Salem: Then and Now

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

On Tuesday, October 2, 2012, the Daughters of Utah Pioneer volunteers welcomed Salem Elementary second-graders to Heritage Park, located on the north-west end of Salem Pond.

In second-grade, students learn and examine important aspects of their community and how their community has changed over time.

Second Grade Community Field Trip

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

As part of their Community Helpers Unit in Social Studies, second-graders visited the Salem City Office, where they were able to participate in a mock city council meeting.  They learned about city councils and how they make laws for our city!  Students were introduced to the city council members through powerpoint, and informed on what each person was in charge of.  Then students were able to sit in those chairs, and were presented with a mock issue, heard oposing sides, and then voted on a decision.  It was lots of fun and very informative.

Salem Hills High School Choir

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

On Tuesday, October 2, Salem Elementary had the opportunity to visit Salem Hills HIgh School where they enjoyed a performance by the high school's choir.  Students look forward to these occasions, as many of them know and look up to several of the choir members.  Elementary students enjoyed all of the songs, but of course The Sky Hawk song is the favorite of many, and can be heard for days after being sung throughout the halls in our elementary school.

Salem Elementary Star Cards: August/September

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

Star Cards are given to students who are caught doing great things around our school.  These Salem Stars really shine: Riley Thatcher, Kristine Rhodes, Gavin Shepherd, Kylan Shepherd, Jessie Christensen, Grace Holley, Haylee Stewart, Brookely Orton, Mylee Jense, Jaden Holley, Aubrey Taylort, Emma Sackett, Jackson Eyre, Chloe Peterson, Caulyn Wilde, McKenzie Beddoes, Treyden Reynolds, Kiara Otiz, Charity Houghton, Trevin Ortrega, Hadi Olsen, Kylee Thornock.


Salem Elementary's Fall Family Carnival: Theme Basket Auction

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

The Fall Family Carnival is quickly approaching.  Each class will be picking a theme and bringing purchased items from hone to be placed in the baskets.  The baskets will then be auctioned off the night of the Fall famiy Carnival.  The class that earns the most mone during the auction for their baskets will receive a pizza/ice cream party!!  Themes have been decided by classrooms and items will be collected thru October 12th.  Please watch for your child's theme and thank you in advanc3e for your donated items.