April 2018

Old Salem School

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

A picture of the old Salem School that was torn down several years ago. It stood where the second and third grade wing currently stands. 

Keyboarding Championship

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

Nebo School District recently held its keyboarding Championship.  Congratulations to all those who were selected from our school to particpate.  Each of these students demonstrated remarkable keyboarding skills and represented our school well.

Theatre Summer Camp

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

Nebo School District is excited to offer a Summer Theatre Camp for 4th, 5th and 6th grade students!  

2 weeks of theatre fun from 9-12 noon Mon-Fri.

Session I: June 5-16

Spring Lake Elementary-1750 S. 500 W. Payson

Session II: July 9-20

Sierra Bonita Elementary- 53 S. 1800 E. Spanish Fork


Register at: https://nebo.revtrak.net/Nebo-District-Programs/rw- summer-theater- camp/

Fourth Grade Field Trip

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

Fourth graders had a blast on their field trip to Peaks Ice Arena and the Bean Museum.  It was a fun way to buld character and friendships, as well as review the plants, animals, and environments of Utah.

Kindergarten Pet Week

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

Kindergarten learned about the word responsible through Pet Week. What does a responsible pet owner do? Kindergarteners also wrote a pet report and shared them with the class. On Friday, students could bring their pet.