Holder for Blocks
Nothing here but files to be used in other places, such as in blocks.
Nothing here but files to be used in other places, such as in blocks.
Halloween got a facelift this year in Miss Anderson's first grade class at Salem Elementary. In an effort to earn a Gold Medal from the Utah Gold Medal Schools Program, treats and sweets have been eliminated from classrooms this year. The Gold Medal Schools Program promotes healthy living through exercise and healthy eating. Instead of sugary treats, students got to make funny faces using fruits like apples, oranges, raisins, kiwi, strawberries, and grapes. The first grade ghosts and ghouls enjoyed and drooled over these healthy, tasty treats. Thank you Mrs.
"Readers are made on the laps of their parents," says Kristy Robertson and Reta Tischner. Kristy and Reta instructed parents of pre-schoolers during Cradled in Literacy sessions at Salem Elementary.