Watch Our Reading Explode!

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on
Kim Trimble

Salem Elementary students were given a real treat. They watched a rabbit being pulled from a hat, colored scarves magically appearing, and incredible juggling tricks, all courtesy of master magician Paul Brewer. Paul and his side kick, Chief, entertained the students during the Kick-off assembly for Ken Garff’s Road-to-Success reading program.

During the performance students were encouraged to read every day and the importance of reading. Books were given away along with other prizes. Salem students are working to read 65,000 days this year. If students reach the 65,000 days read they will get to throw a pie at Mr. Welburn. Also, at the end of the year names will be drawn from the tickets students turn in for a chance to win one of four bikes donated by Wal-Mart.