The Salem Source
November is the month of thanksgiving and gratitude! I have so many things to be thankful for. Salem students, families, teachers and staff rank high on my gratitude list. Thank you for making Salem Elementary a great place to learn and work! We will be learning about the importance of gratitude this month.
- Thank you for your generous donations to SEP Faculty Dinners! All 3 dinners were completely funded!
- We had a wonderful turn out for our first Parent-Teacher Conferences! Thank you for attending. Remember to contact teachers if you have any questions about your student!
- Please make an earnest effort to get your child to school on time. Also remember that school attendance matters! Encouraging consistent attendance helps your child get better grades, develop healthy life habits and have a better chance of graduating from high school.
- Be aware that crossing guards head into class at 8:57 a.m.
- The weather is starting to change. Please send appropriate clothing for student to be comfortable outside during recess.
- Lost and Found - We have many items hanging on the Lost and Found rack and lunch boxes in the bucket. If you are missing items, please check the Lost and Found.
Meet our new third grade teacher, Todd Hepworth! We are excited to have him join our third grade team! Here is a little bit about him: Todd Hepworth grew up in Idaho but spent most of his adult life in Texas. He became an educator when he got out of the Air Force. He served as an elementary teacher for 12 years and as an administrator for three years. He is coming back into the classroom because that's where the fun happens! He has six children and five grandchildren. He moved to Utah with his family five years ago. He loves exploring new trails in Utah's mountains, and experimenting with new recipes on the smoker. Smoked chocolate chip cookies are delicious, Y'all!
Please pay your student's school lunch fees on iCampus or in the lunchroom!
Breakfast is $1.50 & lunch is $2.00.
Our school has many outstanding balances right now.
Thank you!
Topic: National Diabetes month
November is National Diabetes month! The following symptoms of diabetes are typical. However, some people with diabetes have symptoms so mild that they go unnoticed.
Common symptoms of diabetes:
- Urinating often
Feeling very thirsty
Feeling very hungry—even though you are eating
Extreme fatigue
Blurry vision
Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
Weight loss—even though you are eating more (type 1)
Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands/feet (type 2)
Early detection and treatment of diabetes can decrease the risk of developing the complications of diabetes. If you notice any of these symptoms please get medical care.
- October 31st - Halloween Parade at 1:45
- October 31st - Drama Specialist at Salem
- November 1st - Youth BB in Gym @ 6 pm
- November 2nd - 4th grade at State Capital
- November 2nd - Kinder in STEAM Room @ 9 am
- November 2nd - 5th Grade Marching Band Visit
- November 3rd - Youth BB in Gym @ 6 pm
- November 4th - Picture Retakes
- November 4th - Kinder Fall Celebration
- November 4th - Ben Ford Visit (Assistant Superintendent)
- November 7th - Tish Throckmorton's Bday
- November 7th - Principal Read Aloud rescheduled to Nov. 14th
- November 8th - Cammy Peterson's Bday
- November 10th - Youth BB in Gym @ 6 pm
- November 11th - Veteran's Day Assembly at 10:50
- November 15th - Youth BB in Gym @ 6 pm
- November 17th - Youth BB in Gym @ 6 pm
- November 22nd - Gobble Off Assembly @ 2:30 p.m.
- November 23rd-27th - Thanksgiving Break
- November 29th - School Community Council Meeting @ 3:30
- November 29th - Youth BB in Gym @ 6 pm
- November 30th - Neeley Kay's Bday