3rd and 4th Hershey Track

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

On Tuesday, April 30, Salem Elementary third and fourth-graders attended the Hershey Track Meet at Salem Hills High School.  They competed against the other elementary schools in Salem.  Salem Stars gave an outstanding performance with several students placing in the many of the finals. 

Second Grade Farm Field Day

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

Second Graders were very excited to visit Harward Farms for Farm Field Days.  Students enjoyed learning about agriculture in our home state of Utah.  We learned that milk comes from dairy cows,  hamburger comes from beef cows, eggs come from chickens, wheat grows in a field and is harvested and ground into flour, wool comes from sheep and is used to make clothing, and much, much more!   It was a fun day on the farm indeed!

Ronald McDonald Assembly

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

Ronald McDonald visited Salem Elementary and performed some outrageously, funny magic tricks!  While performing his magic he talked to students about good test taking skills to prepare them for the end of year tests.  Chloe Peterson was called up to help assist Ronald in one of his magic tricks.  He asked her to pick a balloon out of the hat.  After several attempts Chloe kept coming out empty handed.  Ronald talked about how sometimes you just have to slow down and think about it.  He then had Chloe reach into the hat one more time, while taking her time.

Author Visits Salem Elementary

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

Students at Salem Elementary were honored to have a Brent Boswell, a children's novelist, visit their school.  Boswell engaged the students with a fun presentation in which he discussed the importance of reading.  He told students that everyone can enjoy reading!  He encouraged students to figure out what it is that they are interested in, and then to read books according to their interests.  He signed and autographed some of his books and gave them out to some lucky students!  

Kindy 500

Submitted by dorie.thatcher on

On Friday, March 8, Salem Elementary's kindergarten students excitedly showed up to school, sporting their new cars.  Their cardboard, Kindy 500 Cars, that is.   Students then drove their cars through the hallways of school, making several stops throughout the day, to learn about many of our Nation's memorials and patriotic symbols.  Students had a wonderful time on their road trip, visiting Lincoln Memorial, The Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Bell, Mt. Rushmore, a Bald Eagle, and more!